Are Hemorrhoids An Issue For You? Then Read On

Countless adults each year become afflicted with hemorrhoids inside the rectum and around the anus. Hemorrhoids are also called piles. Having hemorrhoids may be embarrassing, but if you use the information in the following article, you will be able to treat them more effectively.

While a nasty case of hemorrhoids may seem like the end of the world, relief is just around the corner. Experts have been known to recommend soaking in a sitz bath multiple times per day, for 5 to 10 minutes each time. You may also find it helpful to apply a soothing homemade ice pack to the affected area.

You can use witch hazel to help deal with the uncomfortable side effects of hemorrhoids. This astringent shrinks and constricts the swollen tissues and provides cooling relief. Use a cotton ball to apply witch hazel or pour it in your sitz bath.

Witch hazel can be used to relieve hemorrhoid pain. This item is an astringent, and it works by shrinking the tissue around the hemorrhoids. This, in turn, will promote healing of the area and pain relief. You can easily apply a cotton ball or pad soaked in witch hazel to the affected area for 5 minutes. A few drops in a sitz bath may also help.

Ice is usually pretty good for alleviating hemorrhoid pain. In addition to being itchy, hemorrhoids are extremely painful. Prepare an ice pack for the area, to relieve some of the swelling and accompanying pain. Alternate between an ice pack and a warm compress. Soaking in a warm tub, and then applying an ice pack will reduce swelling and pain related to hemorrhoids, and help you be more comfortable.

One way to lessen the effects of hemorrhoids, or prevent them entirely, is to get plenty of water in your diet. If you are properly hydrated, you will be able to defecate more easily. You’re also going to want to limit and gauge how much caffeine and alcohol you consume as this can hurt you.

As you learned at the beginning of this article, people can develop problems with both internal and external hemorrhoids. Although external hemorrhoids can be more painful than internal hemorrhoids, both types of hemorrhoids require treatment. After reading this article, you should now be equipped with the information to help relieve yourself from the painful symptoms that hemorrhoids tend to cause.

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