Treat Your Allergies With These Simple Tips

It can be tough to enjoy the summer months if hay fever and pollen allergies persist. Do not stay inside the house while your family and friends are enjoying the weather. The article below will help you understand how to ease your symptoms for more seasonal fun, not suffering!

Dust mites are very difficult to avoid. As you can probably guess, these little guys are living throughout your bedding and pillows, making a meal of your dead skin flakes. Despicable! To fight this, you can put your mattress and pillow in a cover that is designed for your bed. Once you’ve done that, start washing your linens no less than once per week in hot water, as hot water is lethal to dust mites.

If you can, do not have carpet or rugs in your house. It is next to impossible to get carpet completely clean, since the fibers act as a trap for many allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander. Floors that can be efficiently cleaned are far more suitable when you have allergies.

You may want to do away with your carpet altogether. Carpet is notorious for gathering allergens. If you are one of those people have carpet from wall-to-wall, think about switching to laminate, wood or tile, if you can afford it. There will be a substantial difference in how much allergens you breathe in. If getting rid of your carpet isn’t feasible, vacuum daily instead.

If you suffer from allergies, but love animals, you need to look into short-haired varieties. All pets tend to upset allergies, but those that have long hair are worse to deal with. Don’t let you pets sleep in your bed if you don’t want to have an allergic reaction.

As you can see, it really is possible to successfully address allergy issues. Use the tips from the article above so you can live a life free from allergies.

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