How To Get What You Want From Your Dog

The dog that you have just adopted may seem less like Lassie, and more like Cujo. Fortunately, continuing your training sessions will pay off, with a dog that is well behaved and joy to be around.

Make sure you feed your dog healthy food. Too many table scraps can unbalance your dog’s diet. It can negatively impact a dog’s health and disposition. A simple improvement to their diet will work wonders in how a dog feels, and make it much easier for them to have a clear mind during training.

Dog training starts with patience. Patience prevents both of you from becoming frustrated and angry during the training process. Understand that the proper training will come with time, so cut your dog some slack and let them learn.

Early in your training, teach your new pup to “leave it.” This command tells him to drop the item and step away. “Leave it” can prevent furniture chewing, save valuable objects from being destroyed and save your dog from consuming dangerous and/or poisonous substances.

Training your dog to start rolling over is easy, but be sure to have some treats. You can have your dog sit or roll over. Hold a treat between your forefingers near the left side of your dog’s head, and then slowly pass the treat in front of his face and to the opposite side. As the dog uses his nose to track the morsel, he will simultaneously roll his entire body over. As he rolls over say out loud, “roll over.” Repeat this until he rolls over with the command alone. Do not get mad if it takes several tries. Once they learn this particular trick, they will be popular at the dog park!

Remember to have patience when it comes to training your dog. This will reduce anger, stress and tension when you train your dog. Your dog will do its best, but give your dog enough time to remember orders. You need to remember that your puppy needs to form the association between the word and the behavior you expect.

After learning some helpful hints on how to get through to your dog and train it to behave to your expectations you simply need to follow what you have learned. After changing your dogs behavior to fit with the tips suggested you can properly train your dog.

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